Besides the fact that Medarbejderne financially supports the Danish Cancer Society, we – as a company and employees – also incorporate social responsibility into how we perceive our daily activities, including within the following key points:
We attach great value to our staff and temporary workers. We comply with the collective agreements, local agreements and legislation in force at any time. We do not compromise and we ensure that all conditions are up to par at all times for our customers, temporary workers and employees. As a company, we take our social responsibility seriously and in a wide range of situations – in cooperation with relevant municipalities – we have taken in employees who are in job clarification processes, trainee placement, etc. A number of these job-placement processes have ended up as permanent salaried positions at the business.
As a result of this societal effort, Medarbejderne ApS received the CSR Award of Horsens Municipality in 2018 in recognition of its efforts to help bring people closer to the job market.
Medarbejderne ApS is open 24/7. In this context, we have salaried employees in flexi-jobs who, based on the individual’s needs and possibilities, mind to the company’s hotline in the evening, at night and on weekends so our customers and temporary staff can get the help and assistance they need at any time.
Working environment
We take our OHS responsibilities very seriously. Our salaried employees have working conditions that meet the requirements of the law and the individual’s needs. In relation to our temporary employees, it is paramount to us that the user businesses comply with current legislation for their own employees and our temporary employees. We also encourage our temporary employees to wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including work clothes and safety footwear.
Medarbejderne ApS is a member of the sector association VikarBranchen, under the Confederation of Danish Industry. As a sector organisation, VikarBranchen works to heighten the standard in the temporary employment sector, and Medarbejderne ApS is subject to stringent requirements and ongoing external control. This guarantees that Medarbejderne ApS is a well-regulated business partner.